About This Blog

This blog is about recurrent problems with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's public transit system. My particular crusade involves flagship line 910 (the "Silver Line") and its persistent, institutional unreliability after 9 PM.

I have been dealing directly and in good faith with Metro for some time now on this issue, but that private dialog has not resulted in any improvement in service. I started this blog in an attempt to provide another more public source of motivation for Metro to address their systemic failures.

Below I have posted my entire email exchange with Metro on this subject, and I will continue to update as the saga continues. The correspondence begins in November of 2011 only because that is when I discovered how to contact customer service. The problems with the silver line (and its transitway predecessors) started well before then. This email chain is unedited, except that I redacted my own name and contact info, and I removed redundant quotes of previous messages. Names and email addresses of Metro personnel have not been removed. I encourage you to contact them with your own thoughts. Also, feel free to leave comments here. I will probably delete anything vacuous or off topic, but if you have other complaints that aren't getting any traction, or if you have any suggestions that might improve service, please let me know.

For new visitors, the best way to read this blog is chronologically from bottom to top. The earliest entry is dated 2011-11-30. Since I can't seem to force all the posts onto one page, you'll have to start by clicking "2011" in the "Blog Archive" just below, or scroll all the way down and click "Older Posts."



From:   "Leahy, Arthur" <LEAHYA@metro.net> 
Subject:   RE: issue with metro silver line 
Date:   Wed, December 12, 2012 17:04 
To:   "'john.fasana@gmail.com'" <john.fasana@gmail.com> "Alejandro, Frank" <AlejandroF@metro.net> "Johnson, Debra" <JohnsonDeb@metro.net> "Woodson, James" <WoodsonJ@metro.net> "Leahy, Arthur T" <ALEAHY@metro.net> "Echternach, Mary Lou" <ECHTERNACHM@metro.net> "Michael Cano" <mcano@lacbos.org> "Kathryn Barger-Leibrich" <kbarger@lacbos.org> "Neil Bjornsen" <nbjornse7@gmail.com> "Wiggins, Stephanie" <WIGGINSS@metro.net> "Horne, Tom" <HorneT@metro.net> "N. Bjornsen" <mtacac.chair@ymail.com> "Soto, Patricia" <SOTOPA@metro.net> "Taylor, Paul" <TAYLORP@metro.net> "Yu, Kimberly" <YUKI@metro.net> "Corral-Lopez, Diane" <Corral-LopezD@metro.net> 
Cc:   fixmetro

We will do so.  Thanks
From:   "John Fasana" <john.fasana@gmail.com> 
Subject:   Re: issue with metro silver line 
Date:   Wed, December 12, 2012 14:54 
To:   "Arthur Leahy" <leahya@metro.net> "Frank Alejandro" <alejandrof@metro.net> "Debra Johnson" <johnsondeb@metro.net> "James Woodson" <woodsonj@metro.net> "Leahy, Arthur T" <aleahy@metro.net> "Mary Lour Echternach" <echternachm@metro.net> "Michael Cano" <mcano@lacbos.org> "Kathryn Barger-Leibrich" <kbarger@lacbos.org> "Neil Bjornsen" <nbjornse7@gmail.com> "Stephanie Wiggins" <wigginss@metro.net> "Tom Horne" <HorneT@metro.net> "N. Bjornsen" <mtacac.chair@ymail.com> "Patricia Soto" <SOTOPA@metro.net> "Paul Taylor" <TAYLORP@metro.net> YuKi@metro.net Corral-LopezD@metro.net 
Cc:   fixmetro


Mr. FixMetro describes system failures at many levels including unreliable service, signage, and failed communications on our website.

Please respond and include evidence to support this is being turned around. 

Mr. FixMetro clearly has no confidence in Metro's capability to adhere to a published schedule one of our premier lines.

Based on his current and prior experiences, I share his lack of confidence. Why have previous efforts to resolve this failed and why will things be different moving forward?

John Fasana
From: fixmetro
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: December 12, 2012 04:06:57 PST
To: john.fasana@gmail.com, leahya@metro.net, alejandrof@metro.net, johnsondeb@metro.net, woodsonj@metro.net, aleahy@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, wigginss@metro.net, HorneT@metro.net, mtacac.chair@ymail.com, SOTOPA@metro.net, TAYLORP@metro.net, YuKi@metro.net, Corral-LopezD@metro.net

Yes, I'm back. And I am once again reporting a silver line no-show. 

As you may have surmised, I gave up a few months ago. I had accepted the fact that I had done everything I could reasonably do to get the silver line problems addressed... contacting customer service, operations management, my county supervisor, and a metro board member with whom I had an "in." Even the prospect of public humiliation on blogger was not enough to elicit an adequate response from metro. I'm guessing that since the problem was viewed as temporary (ostensibly due to a detour which was mere months away from taking care of itself), no one was particularly inclined to take it very seriously, no matter how many customers suffered. 

In mid-july, I stopped taking the silver line at night, opting instead for the longer but more reliable green-blue-red route, along with more frequent solo driving. Continued evidence of silver line managerial incompetence during this time only reinforced my decision. For example, a new silver line schedule addendum appeared online (910 SCN REV 10-12) including a bus arriving at harbor freeway station at 8:52 pm explicitly on the street level, when all the signs at the station still said street level after 9. Seriously, how can that possibly have happened after all my complaining, your official changing of the detour start time, all your ado with the signage, and all your other "fixes?" I really would love to hear an explanation that does not involve incompetence or callous disregard for customers. 

Anyway, some time after the express lanes opened, the detour signs disappeared from the station, but so far as I am aware, there was no official announcement that the detour was over. Again, in a blatant show of ineptitude or inconsiderateness, the harbor transitway closure announcement was still up on the metro web page, as was the 910 SCN REV 10-12 schedule, both specifically indicating that the silver line stops on the street level at night (although still indicating conflicting transition times, of course). These seem to have disappeared from the web page now, but I think they were up for weeks after the detour apparently ended. Needless to say, without clear communication on where to actually catch the bus, I was in no particular hurry to roll the dice again on the silver line. 

But I guess I was feeling lucky this week. Monday night, I actually decided to give the silver line a try for the first time in about five months. On a hunch, I waited on the freeway level, and lo and behold the bus actually arrived. Encouraged (although I can't say I was actually optimistic), I figured I'd try again tuesday night (12/11). I don't know if the ~9 pm bus is supposed to come at 8:52 or 9:03 now, but I was there with plenty of time. Nextbus said it was due to arrive a few minutes after 9. It updated a few times and then disappeared from nextbus without actually arriving (at least not on the freeway level). The following bus did show up at 9:39, improving your observed post-detour performance to two out of three. 

Believe me, nobody has lower expectations for the silver line than I do. I'm not surprised that the system is still broken, but I guess I am disappointed. Maybe I should be encouraged that you have improved your reliability from ~50% during the detour up to ~67% post-detour, but I still suspect that you have it in you to do better. As you should know by now, I am not complaining in hopes of receiving a free pass or some other quick and meaningless placation. I want the problems fixed. This includes not only the tangible functioning of the silver line but also the apparent culture of arrogance and insensitivity at metro. An acknowledgment from Frank Alejandro and Art Leahy that a pervasive, institutional problem exists would be a good start. 

I'll be holding my breath. On the blue line. 



From: fixmetro
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: October 17, 2012 13:57:25 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com
Cc: leahya@metro.net, alejandrof@metro.net, johnsondeb@metro.net, woodsonj@metro.net, aleahy@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, wigginss@metro.net, HorneT@metro.net, mtacac.chair@ymail.com, SOTOPA@metro.net, TAYLORP@metro.net, YuKi@metro.net, Corral-LopezD@metro.net

Mr. Fasana- Thank you for passing this along. 

From metro's response, it appears that I am not the only patron who has expressed concerns with the management of the silver line, but this response is still totally inadequate. This is, in fact, exactly what I expected --- an unsubstantiated claim that everything has been fixed. I have been told this before, with specifics, only to find that service has not actually improved or has even gotten worse. If I seem cynical, I assure you my mistrust for metro on this issue is not pathological. It is based entirely on experience. 

Detour signs have been up at the affected stations and drivers have presumably been told about the detour procedures since inception (ie, for over a year), and yet these problems have gone on and on and on. Metro has told me that they have implemented fixes, and the problems have gone on and on. 

Assuming for the moment that metro is not lying to us, and that they have actually implemented some additional changes in training and in operations at the termini, what is still missing (as always) is supporting data from the field. I suppose I would still have to take any metro-provided evidence with a grain of salt, but someone needs to collect secret shopper data at the silver line stops (harbor freeway station, in particular) to validate these putative procedural changes. Occasionally checking that the signs are still up does not mean that drivers are actually showing up at the proper locations at the proper times, consistent with the signage. 

So I and other riders are still left with the same choice: put our own time and schedules at risk in hopes that this time metro has actually managed to improved things, or simply stay away from the silver line. I've done the former too many times, and too many times metro has failed me. Metro has relied too heavily on customers to verify that their drivers are adhering to policy. The time has come (actually it came long ago) for metro to do its own quality control. So based on the current response from metro, I must still avoid the silver line. 

Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow. I ask that you please use your influence to continue to push metro on this subject and that you not be mollified by unsupported claims that anything has been fixed. Thank you. 

From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Fwd: issue with metro silver line
Date: October 17, 2012 07:40:16 PDT
To: fixmetro

I forgot to attach the agenda.

[20121018AOP Agenda.pdf]

John Fasana
From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: October 17, 2012 07:37:34 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: leahya@metro.net, alejandrof@metro.net, johnsondeb@metro.net, woodsonj@metro.net, aleahy@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, wigginss@metro.net, HorneT@metro.net, mtacac.chair@ymail.com, SOTOPA@metro.net, TAYLORP@metro.net, YuKi@metro.net, Corral-LopezD@metro.net

Hi Mr. FixMetro!

I received the following information last week from Mr. Leahy and Mr. Alejandro.  

I did not place this item on the System Safety and Operations Committee Agenda tomorrow, but will be asking for a verbal update from Mr. Alejandro during his report (Item 54 early on the attached agenda)

If I become aware of any additional information I will pass it to you.

Please let me know if these activities if you have experienced any difficulties with Silver Line service after the latter of the dates in this time line.

Thank you,

John Fasana

In response to recent issues raised on the Silver Line, Metro Operations has put protocols and actions in place to address service disruptions related to detours, on-time performance issues, and overcrowding. The primary actions are in the areas of field supervision, control center supervision, Operator training and instruction, scheduling, and communication to our passengers.

The Silver Line is still on detour at Adams per our construction team. Only the construction team can give the “go-ahead” before the detour can be changed, and we can resume operating on the Adams Street HOV ramp to/from the Harbor Transitway.  It may appear to the public that construction is over, however our Operators must continue to operate on the detour due to continuing construction activities in the evenings and early morning hours.  

The following chronology indicates the actions taken by Metro and dates of implementation.

Specifically we began on July 23, 2012 with the following action:

  • An early morning supervisor was assigned to check departure times from the Artesia Transit Center, ensuring that operators detour off the Harbor Transitway until 6am, regardless of whether or not the freeway is re-opened from the construction before 6am. The supervisor has also been checking all Harbor Transitway stops daily to ensure that the signage remains posted, informing patrons where to board buses during the hours of 9pm to 6am on weekdays and 9pm to 9am on weekends.

Actions implemented August 3 – 9, 2012:

  • Daily checks and make communication with every Operator scheduled to operate a Silver Line bus before, during, and immediately after detour hours to ensure that a detour notice has been received, and detour instructions are understood and followed.  This contact occurs at the Division when the Operator reports for work, the Control Center at the beginning of each bus trip, and by Field Supervision as required.

  • If any Operator does not understand the detour notice when in service, a Field Supervisor is dispatched to meet the Operator to provide specific detour instructions.  These incidents are documented and reviewed by the Executive Director and Division Management to augment Operator line training.

Actions implemented August 10 – 17, 2012:

  • Division supervision and Operators have received additional training relative to the complexity of Silver Line service.

  • Constant in-service checks, service data reviews, and service monitoring is performed by Field Supervisors and Control Center staff to identify service anomalies (e.g. late terminal departures, bus breakdowns, buses arriving early or late).  Staff is directed to immediately make service adjustments and/or fleet/equipment replacement to assume normal scheduled service levels.

Actions implemented August 29, 2012:
  • Service and schedule adjustments implemented to date include additional bus trips and staging of extra buses to be deployed as-needed to fill in gaps in service and reduce overcrowding.

  • Field Supervisors constantly check all Harbor Transitway stops to ensure that detour signage remains properly posted.  Staff also communicates to passengers the specific locations in which riders must board buses during detour hours.

Actions implemented September 4, 2012:

  • Instructor assigned to monitor any new Silver Line Operators to make sure they have detour notices.

  • Scheduling additional Division Instructors to perform line rides and deploying service ambassadors at El Monte Station to communicate and assist passengers has resulted in service improvement. 

We will continue close monitoring and adjust protocols and actions as service needs change.  Thank you and please contact my office with any questions or concerns.


From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: October 6, 2012 17:39:34 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: leahya@metro.net, alejandrof@metro.net, johnsondeb@metro.net, woodsonj@metro.net, aleahy@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, wigginss@metro.net, HorneT@metro.net, mtacac.chair@ymail.com

Hi Mr. FixMetro!

I have not been told the situation is fixed.  In fact, I have not received any update at all in response to your previous email.  I have spoken to Metro Board Chair Antonovich's office and he has agreed to placing this issue on the October 18th System Safety and Operations Committee agenda.  The meeting will be at noon on that day.  If you can make the meeting and describe the situation that would be great.  If you can not make the meeting, we still will pursue this issue.

Also, I have been in contact with Neil Bjornsen, Chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee at Metro.  He also will be pursuing this issue.  I have copied Neil on this email.  He has some ideas and he may contact you to obtain additional information on the situation you describe.

I understand there has been construction on the 110 due to the Metro Express Lanes project that may be contributing to the issues on the Silver Line.   This work should be completed relatively soon and I will find out more about the actual timeframe involved.  That having been said, this does not excuse the reliability issues you have observed, and I apologize for our non-responsiveness.  

I will update you within the next week whether or not I have anything new to report leading up to the October 18th meeting.

Thank you for your patience,

John Fasana


From: fixmetro
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: October 1, 2012 16:07:35 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com
Cc: leahya@metro.net, alejandrof@metro.net, johnsondeb@metro.net, woodsonj@metro.net, aleahy@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, wigginss@metro.net, HorneT@metro.net

Hi Mr. Fasana. I am writing to find out if you have been able to get any information from metro regarding the current state of the silver line (specifically, nighttime reliability on the harbor transitway). No doubt, they told you everything is fixed. Since their previous "fixes" for this issue have been utterly ineffectual, I am hoping to see some data to back up their latest claims. I have been avoiding the silver line for over two months now, and I have met others who are doing the same. A functioning silver line would reduce commute times for me and many other riders, so I'd really like to see this issue resolved. Thank you. 



From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 17:32:55 PDT
To: LEAHYA@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net, JohnsonDeb@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net
Cc: fixmetro, ALEAHY@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net
Reply-To: john.fasana@gmail.com

Middle of next week is fine - thanks!

John Fasana
From: LEAHYA@metro.net
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 13:31:37 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com, AlejandroF@metro.net, JohnsonDeb@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net
Cc: fixmetro, ALEAHY@metro.net, ECHTERNACHM@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net

Mr. Fasana:

Thanks for email.   We'll get you some info on problem, actions, and status on Monday.

Art Leahy
From: ECHTERNACHM@metro.net
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 12:50:01 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com, fixmetro
Cc: ALEAHY@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net

I will folllow up first thing Monday morning.

Mary Lou Echternach
Deputy to Director John Fasana
From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 10:36:50 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: ALEAHY@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net

Mr. FixMetro, 

I will check into this and get back to you when I know more.  

I took a quick scan of your blog and it seems this issue has been raised and has been left unresolved for some time.

Recognizing that you have not received a satisfactory response so far, I am requesting the Metro Citizens Advisory Council to research and report back on this issue.

I also will request a status update on how we are / have moved forward on this issue at the September System Safety and Operations Committee meeting.  

Thank you for your email. 

John Fasana


From: fixmetro
Subject: issue with metro silver line
Date: August 25, 2012 22:16:34 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com

Hello Mr. Fasana. I am writing to ask for your help with a serious reliability problem with the metro silver line (i.e., bus line 910).

In a nutshell, there is a longstanding detour due to late night construction on the harbor transitway, and it seems that the nighttime silver line drivers are not adhering to published detour start times. The result is that buses are not showing up at their proper locations and patrons are being repeatedly stranded --- either at the normal stops when the drivers detour early, or at the detour stops when the drivers fail to take the detour as scheduled.

I have been in contact with metro customer service and senior management (including Frank Alejandro) trying to get this problem fixed for the better part of a year now, with little success. Metro has investigated this issue and has implemented some changes, but the problem has only gotten worse. I have contacted Michael Antonovich's office, but their involvement does not seem to have had much effect either.

I have posted all of my correspondence related to this issue on a blog:
Please check it out if you would like more details on the situation so far. Or let me know if I can answer any questions.

I know metro is frying a lot of big fish right now, but this is a very fixable problem. Any pressure you can bring to bear would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



Subject: Re: silver line MIA
From: fixmetro
Date: August 17, 2012 02:39:38 PDT
To: HorneT@metro.net
Cc: GALVANJ@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net, borja.leon@lacity.org, GreenwoodM@metro.net, CustomerRelations@metro.net, BoardSecretary@metro.net, SOTOPA@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net, Hollandr@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, SNemer@lacbos.org, SCruz@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, TAYLORP@metro.net, LEAHYA@metro.net

Guarded optimism will not get me home. Those of you at metro who are working this problem (if any) are doing so on the clock. When these buses do not show up, it costs me and other riders personal free time and/or sleep that we will never get back. I do not work for metro. I don't get paid to observe and report back on your reliability. Asking your customers to risk their free time to do your quality control is disrespectful and unprofessional.

When you yourself use phrases like "ongoing problems" and "guardedly optimistic," it does not inspire confidence. So I'm going to need some assurances. I would like to know if you have implemented any real, substantive measures beyond those you described on july 16th (which I, perhaps naively, assumed were preliminary in nature). In any case, I would also like to know what quality control measures YOU, METRO, have put into place to gauge the success or failure of your attempted solutions. It's been a month since you supposedly started taking this seriously. You should be able to tell me you secretly observed 40 or 50 opportunities for the 9:03, 9:33, and 10:02 pm buses to show up and how many actually did. You've got about 80 more opportunities in the coming month. Let me know what you find out. 

My EZ pass is reimbursed by my employer, so a 7 day pass is of no use to me. Assuming you're not about to offer to pay me for my lost time or hand out open-ended taxi vouchers, I don't think there is anything that you can realistically do for me besides your job: fixing the problem. Or maybe you could all provide me with your personal mobile numbers so I can call you for a ride the next time I'm left high and dry at harbor freeway station. 


Subject: RE: silver line MIA
From: HorneT@metro.net
Date: August 16, 2012 16:00:58 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: GALVANJ@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net, borja.leon@lacity.org, GreenwoodM@metro.net, CustomerRelations@metro.net, BoardSecretary@metro.net, SOTOPA@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net, Hollandr@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, SNemer@lacbos.org, SCruz@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, TAYLORP@metro.net, LEAHYA@metro.net

Dear Mr, FixMetro:
I can definitely understand your deep concerns regarding the present reliability of the Silver Line given the number of problems you have reported.  I was even more concerned to learn that you are considering Foothill service as an alternative.  Unquestionably, staff has devoted considerable time an effort to correct the ongoing problems caused by the detour and we are guardedly optimistic that the problems have been addressed.  I ask that you give us a second chance to make a good impression and to that end if you will provide a mailing address I would like to send you a 7 DAY Pass as our gift to a most valued customer.  

Tom Horne
Manager,Customer Relations
From: fixmetro
Subject: Re: silver line MIA
Date: August 16, 2012 01:41:48 PDT
To: HorneT@metro.net
Cc: GALVANJ@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net, borja.leon@lacity.org, GreenwoodM@metro.net, CustomerRelations@metro.net, BoardSecretary@metro.net, SOTOPA@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net, Hollandr@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, SNemer@lacbos.org, SCruz@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org

So has the problem been "fixed" ... again? I have completely avoided the silver line for a month now, since the last time two consecutive buses failed to show up. I haven't exactly been holding my breath, but I was expecting to hear back eventually. 

Please tell me metro has done something substantial this time, like a leadership change, regular face to face meetings with ALL of the drivers, and frequent secret shoppers at harbor freeway station (or is that my job?). I have zero faith that leaving notes in drivers' cubbyholes and hoping for the best will accomplish anything. 

Or if metro has just given up on ever getting the silver line to run properly, let me know and I'll continue my current mix of longer routes and solo driving. 


From: MCano@lacbos.org
Subject: FW: metro issue
Date: July 24, 2012 22:16:18 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: SNemer@lacbos.org, SCruz@lacbos.org


We are following up on your issue – FYI.  The next few days will be busy ones with the MTA Board meeting coming up but let’s make sure we get you some answers by the end of next week.



From: Alejandro, Frank [/src/compose.php?send_to=AlejandroF@metro.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:11 PM
To: Cano, Michael
Cc: Soto, Patricia; Corral-Lopez, Diane; Woodson, James; Holland, Robert; Cheung, Conan; Horne, Tom
Subject: Re: metro issue
 Will do.

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!
----- Reply message -----
From: "Cano, Michael" <MCano@lacbos.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 8:15 pm
Subject: metro issue
To: "Alejandro, Frank" <AlejandroF@metro.net>

When you have a moment could you please have staff contact Mr. FixMetro directly and please provide a good solution for what is going on?  Let's talk if there is more to discuss.



From: fixmetro
Subject: RE: metro issue
Date: July 17, 2012 20:06:06 PDT
To: MCano@lacbos.org
Cc: snemer@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org

Hi Michael (and Sussy). Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I appreciate your conscientious offer to keep me anonymous, but that will not be necessary when dealing directly with metro. They all know my name already, and I said in my last message to them that I was going to contact my supervisor's office (incidentally, I also mentioned resorting to the internet and driving my single-occupant vehicle to work, both of which I have also followed through on). Anyway, Mr. Alejandro was already copied on most of those emails on the blog, and he appears in the email chain dated 2012-07-02, ordering James Woodson and Robert Holland to get back to me. So feel free to forward all of this to anyone at metro.

Although I am generally a very private person, the blog is deliberately very public. I removed my name and personal email address because my identity is irrelevant. That said, since you are a public person, I hope you won't mind if I end up posting our correspondence as well...

From: MCano@lacbos.org
Subject: RE: metro issue
Date: July 17, 2012 19:11:57 PDT
To: SNemer@lacbos.org, fixmetro
Cc: KBarger@lacbos.org

Mr. FixMetro:

I will let Mr. Alejandro, with whom we have a good working relationship, know that this is an item we would like addressed with specifics on fixing the problem.

Usually I would forward information to him about you and your request, but I noted that your blog posting was anonymous.  Do you want us to protect your anonymity?

Please advise and I will take the next step with Mr. Alejandro.  

Thank you,

Michael Cano
Transportation Deputy to Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich
From: SNemer@lacbos.org
Subject: RE: metro issue
Date: July 17, 2012 11:03:46 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: KBarger@lacbos.org, MCano@lacbos.org


Thank you for your email regarding Metro.

By copy of this email, I am asking Michael Cano, the Supervisor's transportation deputy, to look into this for you.


Sussy Nemer, Senior Deputy 
Office of Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich
215 North Marengo Avenue, Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
(626) 568-0159 FAX


From: fixmetro
Subject: metro issue
Date: July 16, 2012 16:47:17 PDT
To: snemer@bos.co.la.ca.us

Hello Ms. Nemer. I am a constituent from ******. I am writing about a protracted problem I (and others) have been having with Metro, and I am hoping the supervisor's office can help get things moving in the right direction.

The problem involves chronic unreliability on the silver line (bus line 910) after 9 PM. This is not about on-time performance; this is about scheduled buses not showing up at all about 50% of the time (by my recent sampling) at harbor freeway station, where the silver line connects to the green line. I have had a long dialog about this with metro customer service and senior management. They have apparently attempted to address the problem, but their efforts have been halfhearted and unsuccessful, despite this issue apparently having the attention of "the 25th floor." Since nighttime riders tend to be more disenfranchised, I suspect that many stranded patrons are not contacting customer service as I have, and that metro is disinclined to take the problem seriously enough to fix it.

In addition to customer service, I have corresponded directly with Bob Holland (Service Operations Superintendent) and I know Frank Alejandro (Chief Operations Officer) is aware of the problem. And yet it persists. I am sure that involvement of Mr. Antonovich would go a long way towards achieving some final, constructive resolution.

If you would like more details, I just posted my entire email chain with metro on a blog:


If you have a few minutes, please check it out. I promise, it's an entertaining read.

Thank you for your help.


Subject: FW: silver line MIA
From: HorneT@metro.net
Date: July 16, 2012 15:47:21 PDT
To: fixmetro

Dear Mr. FixMetro

This is a follow-up to my previous reply and designed to keep you abreast of our efforts to make this service responsive to your needs.  I am cautiously optimistic that our most recent efforts will have a very positive impact of service delivery.  Firstly, there has been some confusion by operators as to where the detours apply; one operator was thoroughly confused due to two different detours on the line; he has been instructed.  The other operator was off FRI/SAT and will be interviewed later by the Asst Manager.

We have taken additional steps to prevent future incidents by having an Asst Manager research the operator(s) assigned on a DAILY basis and place a personal note on their check-in message and on the paddle board (this is the listing of stops and special instructions as needed).

Please keep me posted in terms of on-time performance.  Again, my apology for the hardship you have experienced.

Tom Horne
Manage, Customer Relations


Subject: RE: silver line MIA
From: HorneT@metro.net
Date: July 13, 2012 15:42:48 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: Hollandr@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net

Dear Mr. FixMetro
Words fail to express how deeply I regret that the Silver Line service has again failed to perform as expected.  You have probably already received an email from Bob Holland as he begins his investigation as to why operators are failing to make this stop.  He will no doubt have specific information as to the cause for your report below.  Please don’t lose faith in the system we do indeed value your patronage.  In closing on behalf of Metro we extend our apology for any hardship experienced.     

Tom Horne
Manager,Customer Relations
Subject: RE: silver line MIA
From: Hollandr@metro.net
Date: July 13, 2012 09:31:56 PDT
To: fixmetro, HorneT@metro.net, GALVANJ@metro.net
Cc: AlejandroF@metro.net, borja.leon@lacity.org, GreenwoodM@metro.net, CustomerRelations@metro.net, BoardSecretary@metro.net, SOTOPA@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net

Mr. FixMetro-  I want to apologize for any inconvenience you experienced last night.  We value our customers needs and will investigate the circumstances that occurred.  If you would like to discuss further, please call me at 213-922-4437. I will provide a follow-up e-mail of our findings.  Again our apologies.  

Thank you.

Bob Holland
Service Operations Superintendent