About This Blog

This blog is about recurrent problems with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's public transit system. My particular crusade involves flagship line 910 (the "Silver Line") and its persistent, institutional unreliability after 9 PM.

I have been dealing directly and in good faith with Metro for some time now on this issue, but that private dialog has not resulted in any improvement in service. I started this blog in an attempt to provide another more public source of motivation for Metro to address their systemic failures.

Below I have posted my entire email exchange with Metro on this subject, and I will continue to update as the saga continues. The correspondence begins in November of 2011 only because that is when I discovered how to contact customer service. The problems with the silver line (and its transitway predecessors) started well before then. This email chain is unedited, except that I redacted my own name and contact info, and I removed redundant quotes of previous messages. Names and email addresses of Metro personnel have not been removed. I encourage you to contact them with your own thoughts. Also, feel free to leave comments here. I will probably delete anything vacuous or off topic, but if you have other complaints that aren't getting any traction, or if you have any suggestions that might improve service, please let me know.

For new visitors, the best way to read this blog is chronologically from bottom to top. The earliest entry is dated 2011-11-30. Since I can't seem to force all the posts onto one page, you'll have to start by clicking "2011" in the "Blog Archive" just below, or scroll all the way down and click "Older Posts."



From: Hollandr@metro.net
Subject: FW: silver line MIA
Date: July 2, 2012 10:37:41 PDT
To: fixmetro

Here are the results of our investigation.   Please call me if you have any questions.  Thanks

Bob Holland

From: Harris, Barbara 
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 6:18 AM
To: Horne, Tom
Cc: Harris, Barbara; Greenwood, Michael
Subject: FW: silver line MIA

I hope this will help some of the issues with no shows on the Silver line.

Barbara Harris
Assistant Transportation
Operations Manager
626 454-3003 office

From: Galvan, Jorge A
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 7:42 PM
To: Harris, Barbara
Cc: Greenwood, Michael; Walker, Trynett; Edgley, Rodney; Walter, Scott; Rank, Stephen; Triche-Williams, Nadine; Baumgartner, Donald; Trudeau, George; Karpman, Cynthia
Subject: RE: silver line MIA

Hi Barbara,
I spoke with TOS Walker and she informed me that last night’s check revealed that Cal Trans is closing the Harbor Transit way at app. 9:20pm, instead of at 10pm as agreed and as noted in detour notice number 11-0082 (6th Revision). Consequently, the buses are detouring early via Figueroa and leaving people waiting upstairs on the transit way. Ms. Walker was there last night to make one of the buses get on the transit way at the Green line station, where the operator was able to pick-up the patrons at the Harbor Station. She is posting the revised notices as we speak, informing patrons to begin waiting for buses down on Figueroa beginning at 9pm, instead of 10pm. She will be there tonight to monitor the situation as well.

I have contacted BOC Controller # 12 and she is revising the detour start-time in ATMS to 9pm. She will also have a Controller put out a verbal code-1 message reminding operators to use the detour route beginning at 9pm.

Don, Can you please revise the detour on Friday morning to reflect a new start time of 9pm.

Thank you,

From: Harris, Barbara
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 2:50 PM
To: Galvan, Jorge A
Cc: Greenwood, Michael; Harris, Barbara
Subject: RE: silver line MIA

Good Afternoon Jorge,

I left a voice mail, just would like to do know the findings of your team regarding the 910 line.

Barbara Harris
Assistant Transportation
Operations Manager
626 454-3003 office

From: Harris, Barbara
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:12 AM
To: Galvan, Jorge A
Cc: Harris, Barbara; Greenwood, Michael
Subject: RE: silver line MIA
Importance: High


It appears this matter is getting worst and its imperative that I get some support as soon as possible with the 910 line in the evenings, please review the email below.  The emails have the ears of the 25th floor and it needs to be addressed right away please call or email Mr. Greenwood and me today to advise how we can tackle this problem together.

Thank you

Barbara Harris
Assistant Transportation
Operations Manager
626 454-3003 office

From: Greenwood, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:43 AM
To: Harris, Barbara
Subject: Fwd: silver line MIA

This is getting ugly. What have you got on this?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Holland, Robert" <Hollandr@metro.net>
Date: June 27, 2012 8:21:40 AM PDT
To: "Little, Curley" <LittleC@metro.net>, "Greenwood, Michael" <GreenwoodM@metro.net>
Cc: "Horne, Tom" <HorneT@metro.net>
Subject: FW: silver line MIA
Did either one of you get this?  I am getting contact info from Tom.  Please investigate what Division is the 9:33p bus. Thanks

From: Alejandro, Frank
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:34 AM
To: Woodson, James; Holland, Robert
Subject: Fwd: silver line MIA
Get back to this customer ASAP.
Frank Alejandro

Begin forwarded message:
From: FixMetro
Date: June 27, 2012 1:44:49 AM PDT
To: "Horne, Tom" <HorneT@metro.net>
Cc: Customer Relations <CustomerRelations@metro.net>, BoardSecretary <BoardSecretary@metro.net>, "borja.leon@lacity.org" <borja.leon@lacity.org>, "Soto, Patricia" <SOTOPA@metro.net>, "Alarcon, Roman" <ALARCONR@METRO.NET>, "Alejandro, Frank" <AlejandroF@metro.net>
Subject: Re: silver line MIA
Tom. Please don't read this email now. For full effect, please stay up
until 1 am and read it then.

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