About This Blog

This blog is about recurrent problems with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's public transit system. My particular crusade involves flagship line 910 (the "Silver Line") and its persistent, institutional unreliability after 9 PM.

I have been dealing directly and in good faith with Metro for some time now on this issue, but that private dialog has not resulted in any improvement in service. I started this blog in an attempt to provide another more public source of motivation for Metro to address their systemic failures.

Below I have posted my entire email exchange with Metro on this subject, and I will continue to update as the saga continues. The correspondence begins in November of 2011 only because that is when I discovered how to contact customer service. The problems with the silver line (and its transitway predecessors) started well before then. This email chain is unedited, except that I redacted my own name and contact info, and I removed redundant quotes of previous messages. Names and email addresses of Metro personnel have not been removed. I encourage you to contact them with your own thoughts. Also, feel free to leave comments here. I will probably delete anything vacuous or off topic, but if you have other complaints that aren't getting any traction, or if you have any suggestions that might improve service, please let me know.

For new visitors, the best way to read this blog is chronologically from bottom to top. The earliest entry is dated 2011-11-30. Since I can't seem to force all the posts onto one page, you'll have to start by clicking "2011" in the "Blog Archive" just below, or scroll all the way down and click "Older Posts."



From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 17:32:55 PDT
To: LEAHYA@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net, JohnsonDeb@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net
Cc: fixmetro, ALEAHY@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net
Reply-To: john.fasana@gmail.com

Middle of next week is fine - thanks!

John Fasana
From: LEAHYA@metro.net
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 13:31:37 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com, AlejandroF@metro.net, JohnsonDeb@metro.net, WoodsonJ@metro.net
Cc: fixmetro, ALEAHY@metro.net, ECHTERNACHM@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net

Mr. Fasana:

Thanks for email.   We'll get you some info on problem, actions, and status on Monday.

Art Leahy
From: ECHTERNACHM@metro.net
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 12:50:01 PDT
To: john.fasana@gmail.com, fixmetro
Cc: ALEAHY@metro.net, mcano@lacbos.org, kbarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net, AlejandroF@metro.net

I will folllow up first thing Monday morning.

Mary Lou Echternach
Deputy to Director John Fasana
From: john.fasana@gmail.com
Subject: Re: issue with metro silver line
Date: September 1, 2012 10:36:50 PDT
To: fixmetro
Cc: ALEAHY@metro.net, echternachm@metro.net, MCano@lacbos.org, KBarger@lacbos.org, nbjornse7@gmail.com, WIGGINSS@metro.net

Mr. FixMetro, 

I will check into this and get back to you when I know more.  

I took a quick scan of your blog and it seems this issue has been raised and has been left unresolved for some time.

Recognizing that you have not received a satisfactory response so far, I am requesting the Metro Citizens Advisory Council to research and report back on this issue.

I also will request a status update on how we are / have moved forward on this issue at the September System Safety and Operations Committee meeting.  

Thank you for your email. 

John Fasana